7月, 2020の投稿を表示していますすべて表示
TIL, in order to popularize potatoes in France, a pharmacist by the name of Antoine-Augustin Parmentier acquired a large plot of land from the king and hired guards to watch over them with instructions to allow thieves to get away. The plan worked and the potatoes helped fight off famine.
TIL that Guns n' Roses guitarist Slash caught his mother and David Bowie naked in bed together.
TIL that from 1513 to 1972, the Danish Kings were named Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick, Christian, Frederick (it ended with the current monarch, a Queen)
TIL that the Seminole Tribe of Florida generated so much revenue from opening tax-free smoke shops and organizing high-stakes bingo games that in 2007 they bought Hard Rock Cafe International. The tribe still owns it today, with 180 Restaurants, 24 Hotels, and 11 Casinos in 74 different countries.
TIL of the Navratil boys, whose father had kidnapped them after separating from his wife. He tried to move them to America on the Titanic, but died when the ship sank. The brothers were rescued and re-united with their mother after she saw a newspaper picture of them.
TIL that shipwreck hunter Tommy G. Thompson is imprisoned and fined 1,000$ per day for not revealing where he hides the gold he found and had promised to split with investors
TIL about war pigs against the siege of Megara in 266BC. Pigs were set on fire with resin, and sent towards the army's war elephants. The squealing pigs terrorized the elephants, causing them panic and trample anyone close by, ending the siege due to the high number of elephant-caused casualties.
TIL that the term “Green Thumb” comes from the fact that algae growing on the outside of earthenware pots will stain a person's thumb (and fingers) if he or she handles enough pots. Hence, a person who is always working with flowerpots has a green thumb
TIL that during the sinking of the Titanic, a drunken baker helped load women and children into the lifeboats, refused a seat for himself, threw deck chairs overboard for passengers to use as flotation devices, and somehow survived hours swimming in the freezing water until he was rescued at dawn.
TIL engineers have been able to increase the damage resistance of an airplane's black box by 60 times thanks to studying the anatomy of a woodpecker's skull.
TIL Elephants are among the very few land mammals apart from humans to mourn the dead among them and visit their graves.
TIL comedian Hannibal Buress paid a man $500 to attend a movie premiere for him, even though he looked nothing like him. The man walked around, took selfies with fans, and did an interview on camera.
TIL that the two of the US pilots who were able to take off during the attack on Pearl Harbor and down 7 enemy aircraft in the process were denied the Medal of Honor because their commanding officer said they had "taken off without orders".
TIL According to a study's preliminary results, when shopping, consumers respond rationally for the first 23 minutes, then they begin to think with the emotional part of their brain. After 40 minutes, the brain becomes tired and effectively shuts down, ceasing to form rational thoughts altogether.
TIL about two guys who used a decommissioned Atlas Missile Silo to produce an estimated 90% of the LSD sold in America in the late 90's and early 2000s.
TIL in 1954, Ernest Hemingway survived two plane crashes in two days. He was presumed dead almost 24 hours later until he was spotted coming out of the jungle carrying bananas and a bottle of gin.
TIL about the Indonesian Communist purge in 1965/66 - over 500,000 to 1 M communists were killed, and US played a significant role in the killings, supplying economic, technical and military aid to the Indonesian military when the killings began and providing "kill lists"
TIL That in 1820 Thomas Jefferson cut and pasted numerous sections from the New Testament to make his own Bible. Jefferson's condensed composition excludes all "miracles" of Jesus and most mentions of the "supernatural". It's called The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth.
TIL women in ancient Rome didn’t have unique first names, but instead were just named after their family name. (For example, all women from Gaius Julius Caesar’s family were named Julia. Sisters were told apart by using nicknames, such as ‘Julia the Younger’, ‘Julia the Elder’, etc.)
TIL Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev was so impressed by First Lady Jackie Kennedy after meeting her that he later sent her a puppy; the animal was significant for being the offspring of Strelka, the dog that had gone to space during a Soviet space mission
TIL: A priest on the Titanic refused to board a lifeboat twice. Instead, he stayed behind to hear confessions and give absolution to the people left on the ship.
TIL: A Virginian couple with the last name "Null" is often unable to fill out online forms because their last name is rejected for being "null."
TIL Rosetta Stone was discovered during the Egyptian campaign by Napoleon Bonaparte's French forces in 1799. It became the essential key to the modern understanding of ancient Egyptian literature and civilisation
TIL in 2013, Metallica performed in Antarctica just to break a record and be the first musical act to perform on all 7 continents.
TIL of the “Buckskin Girl” murdered 40 years ago, and unable to be identified but named after her coat. In 2017 an unrefrigerated lab vial of her blood was successfully DNA analysed. Her mother was located still living in the same house, refusing to move or change phone numbers hoping for her return
TIL The Wild West only lasted around 30 years.
TIL that Teddy Roosevelt took a break from the presidency to go camping with John Muir for four days. They explored without any supervision/security. Roosevelt was so inspired by the trip that it eventually led to the creation of the National Park Service.
TIL time zones were largely created due to the rapid expansion of railroads needing a more accurate way to plan train schedules. Before, each town utilized their own local time based on the sun's position.
TIL that everyone in Singapore above the age of 21 is automatically registered as an organ donor. Opting out from this Act will result in you being put at the very bottom of the organ priority list, should you need an organ transplantation.
TIL that Paul Simon listed "Fakin' It" as being 2:74 because radio stations wouldn't play anything listed at over 3 minutes long
TIL facial recognition software can be successfully fooled by wearing Juggalo face paint. It throws off the softwares light contrast and depth perception, causing it to misidentify the jawline and eye area.
TIL that in Churchill, Manitoba, it is customary to leave car doors unlocked in order to provide other residents a quick escape should they come face-to-face with a polar bear.
TIL Grant Imahara from Mythbusters was one of three people who operated the R2-D2's in the Star Wars prequels and he updated all of the electronics on 12 R2 units.
TIL of Marcel Marceau, a French mime who used his acting skills to save Jewish children during WWII. He smuggled them over the Swiss border and would mime to keep them happy and get them to stay quiet. He saved at least 70 children.
TIL that the idea that people used to think that the world was flat is actually a modern misconception and "with extraordinary few exceptions no educated person in the history of Western Civilization from the third century B.C. onward believed that the Earth was flat"
TIL Scientists in China have successfully grown tooth enamel which paves the way to replace fillings & crowns. A chemical mixture applied to whole human teeth created an enamel layer 2.7 micrometers thick within 48 hours. (Calcium & phosphate ions with triethylamine in alcohol).
TIL that the Mayan people constructed the temples in a way that a handclap at the base of the temple produces an echo that sounds like the call of the sacred Quetzal bird. For them the bird was a messenger of the gods.
TIL about "Phantom Vibration Syndrome" a condition in which people mistakenly think their mobile phone is vibrating in their pocket, it effects 9 out of 10 people.
TIL about the hooded pitohui, one of the only known birds to be toxic. We all know about poison dart frogs - this bird’s feathers contain one of the most potent neurotoxins known to science – here’s their story.
TIL a Marine sniper unit in Iraq became huge fans of Gilmore Girls. Near Christmas in 2005 one of them wrote to the show's creator about the lack of male clothing options in the show's gift store. Weeks later they received five boxes of Gilmore Girls jackets.
TIL over 150 bison live on an island off the coast of California. Originally 14 of them were transported to the island in 1924 for a silent film and were then left there by the production crew where they flourished.
TIL that during WW2, Canada gave out buttons to people who tried to enlist but were refused due to medical reasons to show their willingness to fight.
TIL that turkeys will attack or attempt to dominate humans they view as subordinate
TIL The Simpsons producer's contract allows them to write the show without interference from Fox. This allows them to make fun of the network.
TIL that because the UK Royal Navy's Astute class nuclear powered submarines can purify their own air and water and run on nuclear fuel, that the endurance is only limited to 90 days due to breakfast storage capacity for 18,000 sausages and 4200 Weetabix
TIL The Independent news is owned by a Russian oligarch, his son, and a Sultan from Saudi Arabia.
TIL perp walks (perpetrator walks) are illegal in France, as it is illegal to publish pictures of an identifiable person in handcuffs or police custody unless they have been convicted
TIL humans spend less time sleeping than any other primate. However, humans also sleep deeper than other primates. Because we sleep on the ground (no risk of falling from tree) and are well-defended from predators, we can afford to get deeper, higher-quality sleep—so we don't need to sleep as long.
TIL one of the conditions Woody Harrelson had for taking his role in Zombieland was that the director, Ruben Fleischer, not eat dairy products for a week. Instead of sticking with just a week he maintained a vegetarian diet for 11 months
Today I learned the difference between Mbps and MBps. When Internet providers advertise speeds of up to 100Mbps, they mean Megabits per second, not Megabytes per second. One megabyte is equal to eight megabits and therefore speeds of 100Mbps equals 12.5MBps...
TIL That in September 1897, 21 Sikhs held their own against 10000 enemies at the battle of Saragarhi, killing 180 and buying enough time for the nearby British fort to prepare and suppress the insurrection. This is regarded as one of the best last stands in history.
TIL the "Chameleon Effect" is how people subconsciously copy other people. This mainly includes accents, facial mannerisms, and vocal inflections. People who can hear and separate musical notes are more susceptible to the Chameleon Effect, they also come across as more empathetic or nice to others.
TIL the 'Ghost Army' was created in 1944 as the first tactical deception unit in US Army history to fool the German Wehrmacht. They used inflatable tanks, fake radio traffic, sound effects, and created phony headquarters with bogus officers. This was kept a secret for decades after the war.
TIL that in WW2, US used Native Americans for message encryption. They were called "code talkers" as they simply talked in their native language for transmitting the messages. This allowed fast communication over open channels as enemy was unable to break this code. Was crucial in winning the war.
TIL that opossum’s eat 95% of all ticks they come across — up to 5,000 a year!
TIL that an ethical hacker called Jim Browning (Alias) routinely tracks down internet scammers who exploit old and vulnerable people online. He managed to shut down a company that scammed people with the help of BBC recently.
TIL: Glasgow's Duke of Wellington statue was allowed to keep a traffic cone on his head by the local council because every time they removed it over the last 30 years a new one would appear within days costing them £10,000 a year to remove them.
TIL a Russian cat was used by prisoners to sneak drugs into their penal colony near Moscow. The cat allegedly had 5.79 grams of hashish & 1.56 grams of amphetamine under its collar. Defense/prosecution lawyers each wanted the cat to support their case but it escaped from its kennel before trial.